Not able to install flashplugin-nonfree - "libruby (>=1.6.7-3) butit is not installable"

'Forum Post ulist at
Sun Nov 13 02:26:49 UTC 2005

Ari Torhamo Wrote: 

> The funny thing is that libruby1.8 is available in the repositories. I

> even tried to install it beforehand, but it didn't help. Does anyone

> know what's wrong here? Thanks :-)


> Ari


It works fine for me out of the box.  I have universe and multiverse
enabled.  Do you have any other package that depend on older libruby
packages?  Do you have any non-Ubuntu repositories enabled?

I presume that if there were to be a newer version of the proprietary
flash player made available, installing the flashplugin-nonfree package
would get it for you.  Wherease the flasplayer-nonfree package would
have to be rebuilt.

The gsfonts-x11 package will solve some font problems with the
Macromedia flash player.  I would suggest you install it, too.


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