VistA - the Open Source health care system

Tommy Trussell tommy.trussell at
Sat Nov 12 15:19:48 UTC 2005

On 11/11/05, Sarangan Thuraisingham <sarangan.thuraisingham at>
> Thanks for that. Yesterday, I blogged about bug#1 from
> I was searching for more
> proofs to support my argument about why Linux is good :D to the
> community. Just then I got your email. So I blogged about it ->
> Just goes to show, what the open source initiative is capable of.

Back when I worked in the medical software industry I was told the reason
the Veterans' Administration software was public domain was because it was
developed at public expense (paid for by US taxpayer dollars). I don't know
the actual historic explanation but it has a logic to it...

Gee... wouldn't it be great if that were an actual public policy saying any
software developed for the people of the US by the government of the US
should be open and available to anyone for inspection, just as the policies
and actions of our government SHOULD be?
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