Wireless works too well! var: wrt54gs dd-firmware
Phillip Sc. Boegh
psb at ipl.dtu.dk
Fri Nov 11 22:28:46 UTC 2005
Hi Ubuntus
Yes: Wireless works too well in distance AND it does not work et all for
wireless network!?
While running wds at a wrt54gs Linksys router I can recognize signal at
least 50 meters through 5 layer of concrete walls, which is fine for the
signal. However even accepting total free access to all all wireless
adapters or laptop born recievers I get the report "access denied" both in
windows and in Linux?
Any clues are most wellcome!
Using the a cisco router and dd-firmware on the wrs54gs router - that
accept wds.
> Harry Wert wrote:
>>After much experimenting and testing, I am finally able to use the
>>Linksys WUSB54G with Breezy - thanks to ndiswrapper. However I have one
>>unexpected problem and another which I am just beginning to troubleshoot.
>>First the problem: Even though I issue a "iwconfig wlan0 essid linksys
>>channel 6", my computer locks on to my neighbor across the street named
>>"bruce". To log onto my router "linksys" I need to run wlassistant and
>>select "linksys". This works fine EXCEPT, I drop my linksys connection
>>randomly and resync back onto "bruce" ( he is on channel 1). At the
>>moment neither "bruce" or "linksys" are using encryption until I get
>>this figured out. By the way, my wireless signal from my router
>>"linksys" is many time stronger than the signal I get from my neighbor
>>"bruce" - for whatever value that may have for this discussion. Has
>>anyone else experienced a problem such as this? I have struck out using
>>the various search engines and Ubunti wiki. Any suggestions are greatly
>>appreciated. Is there anyway to issue a "deny bruce" command anywhere?
>>Harry Wert
> Thanks for all the feedback. Everything is working properly now without
> exception, but with clarification. Here are my findings:
> 1) Found my Linksys 54G router was refusing to accept input from my LAN
> laptop - randomly.
> Solution: Specifically entered my laptop MAC address in the router
> and marked it accessible.
> 2) Had to "kill" my eth0 port with the laptop BIOS to avoid interfering
> with the wlan0 when wlan0 is activated during the boot process.
> 3) The approximately 30 second link interruption was cause by a program
> called wlassistant which was programmed to interrogate the link
> connection at 30 second intervals.
> Solution: set interrogation interval to 3600 seconds.
> 4) The problem of selecting "Bruce", my neighbor was traced to a program
> called "network-manager". This program is a crond program which scans
> the network automatically anytime connection to the router is dropped
> for any reason. Then the FIRST valid connection becomes my laptop link
> attachment. Since "Bruce" is the only other source within my wireless
> laptop WUSB54G range when this occurs, I'm happily connected BUT WITH NO
> INDICATION IT HAS OCCURRED. The only clue I receive is an inability to
> print to my LAN printer which is ABSENT from my neighbor's
> configuration. (He doesn't use a LAN printer.)
> Solution: removed the "network-manager" program.
> For those concerned about my choice of using my router address as
> "linksy" when half the World..... , my choice was intentional for the
> very reasons mentioned in some of the responses I received. I wanted the
> system to be loose as a Goose to assist in detecting problems and
> consequently assist in solving them. It has subsequently been renamed.
> My sincere "Thanks" to all who took time to read and respond to my
> initial email - you assisted in speeding up the debug process. I hope
> this communication will be helpful to others as well.
> Accolade's and congratulations for a job well-done to the ndiswrapper
> team, and Ubuntu for creating such a fine product.
> Harry Wert
> Physicist
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Phillip Sc. Bøgh
BioData Scientific employed
& Consultant
DTU - IPL, Building 303 øst; DK-2800 Kgl. Lyngby
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