Ubuntu Laptop & Wireless

Daniel Robitaille robitaille at ubuntu.com
Fri Nov 11 09:08:33 UTC 2005

> I like Ubuntu been running the PowerPC version on the works G3 iBook for a while.
>  I want to purchase a cheap PC laptop to run the PC version of Ubuntu but have a
> few questions:
> What is the minimum spec for Ubuntu on a PC?
> Are there any issues with laptops?
> Will it run on a Sony PCG-C1F Vaio Sub Notebook - the ones with the mini widescreen?
> My current wired router is Linux compatible what PCMCIA ethernet cards work under
> Ubuntu
> I want to go wireless so what routers, wireless PCMCIA cards or USB dongles work
> under Ubuntu?

If you look at the wiki pages for the LaptopTesting Team, you  will
find reports of issues for a long series of specific laptop model.

Laptops come in a very wide range of hardware type, so it's somewhat
difficult to generalize an answer to specific questions. But if you
find a specific laptop model, you can check that page to see if there
is any problems with it using Ubuntu.   And if you can test drive the
laptop before buying it, don't forget to try the LiveCD in it to make
sure the hardware works fine.

Daniel Robitaille

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