Why is 2.95 still around?

D.Personne heliotopik at wanadoo.fr
Thu Nov 10 08:04:21 UTC 2005

Le jeudi 10 novembre 2005 à 08:17 +0200, Tshepang Lekhonkhobe a écrit :

> I thought that newer compilers ought to better than the older ones
> (latest and greatest); I wanted to know if these older compilers are
> widely used and therefore people having mistrust for newer stuff; I
> assumed all packages in debian had to be recompiled with either
> version 4.0 or 3.4. I don't dislike these compilers and want to know
> from those with experience (which I lack) what's their views.
> Thanks...
> > Myself, as long as the recommended kernel compiler continues to be 2.95, it
> > will have a place on my box.
> I didn't know this...

Have a look here:


As for me: I always use the newer compilers (I'm not a developper).

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