Using Wine
Wade Smart
wade at
Thu Nov 10 00:57:25 UTC 2005
11092005 1853 GMT-5
I have ie4linux and Im looking at Cabextract. There is a older 1.0 for
Debain and then a newer 1.1 tar.gz. Which do you suggest?
dan wrote:
> You should just be able to delete (I prefer to rename) your .wine
> folder in your home directory. Its hidden (hence the "." before wine)
> so you may need to show hidden files: (in nautilus) its View | Show
> Hidden Files.
> You could just ignore if want though, as ies4linux creates a
> completely separate directory and places the installs in there;
> neither should interfere with the other.
> IIRC checkinstall is for installing programs from source and allowing
> uninstallations. You want to keep Wine; Internet Explorer is installed
> from within Wine, separate from the main packaging/source
> installations that other native programs are installed with.
> To sum up... I would just run the ies4linux script, thats what I did
> and it worked a treat.
> Dan
> On 09/11/05, Wade Smart <wade at> wrote:
>>11092005 1304 GMT-5
>>Thanks TreeBoy and Dan for those posts. So - a not so obvious question
>>(well for me that is).... How do I uninstall what I have installed and
>>then install ie4linux?
>>I didnt see that post about checkinstall until after I already installed
>>TreeBoy wrote:
>>>On Wednesday 09 Nov 2005 02:44, Wade Smart wrote:
>>>>11082005 2039 GMT-5
>>>>I got Wine installed but couldn't get a few apps running. No big deal.
>>>>But the reason I installed it was for IE. On 5.4 I would just type in
>>>>wine iexplore.exe and it would start. Now it doesnt work that way. I
>>>>have been looking at the documentation and Im not finding an answer.
>>>>How do you start a app now?
>>>If all you really want is MSIE (which I have to for web dev), then I recommend
>>>installing ies4linux.
>>>Frank's Corner mentions it but doesn't rave about it like I think it
>>>should :-)
>>>It is a very simple (and quite elegant IMHO) bash script that asks which
>>>versions of MSIE you want.
>>>It creates a new WINE config directory.
>>>It then downloads all required files (DCOM, RichEdit32 etc) and then downloads
>>>the install(s) for each of the versions that you want and installs them.
>>>Finally it creates bash scripts in ~/bin for each of your versions.
>>>I use ie5 and ie6
>>>Hope this is helpful.
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