[OT] Hardware Decision

Kevin MacNeil k.macneil at verizon.net
Wed Nov 9 20:58:14 UTC 2005

On Wed, Nov 09, 2005 at 02:54:01PM -0500, Phillip Susi wrote:

> The main thing to consider for a server is the disk subsystem.  You
> probably want a mix of reliability and speed, so I'd recommend
> getting 3 disks and building a raid-5.  You can get some nice 10,000
> rpm 74 gig sata drives from western digital these days for ~$160.
> Three of those in a raid-5 will give you 148 gigs of usable space
> that is fast and can withstand a drive failure without data loss.

Would you recommend a separate card for a sata raid-5 array or is
there an athlon-64 motherboard with decent raid-5 onboard?

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