GUI based software to access a Siemens ME45 mobile phone?

Christian Riedel sarek at
Wed Nov 9 14:08:53 UTC 2005

Hi all,

I am desperately looking for a gui based way to access my Siemens ME45
mobile phone (to be more precise the addressbook). I installed smcxx and
the call

	scmxx --device /dev/ttyUSB0 --info

prints out all info about my phone - so the connection is working properly.

Now The only GUI frontend for this tool I found is gscmxx
( which I downloaded and installed. But
when I start gscmxx and enter the proper connection data, I always get
the message that no phone was found ... can anyone say why?

Is there any other software around to access siemens mobile phones?

Hope anyone can help.


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