no gnopernicus on ubuntu cd

Luke Yelavich themuso at
Tue Nov 8 06:50:58 UTC 2005

On Tue, Nov 08, 2005 at 05:29:03PM EST, MICHAEL WEAVER wrote:
> Last night I got some people from my local LUG to try and install 
> Gnopernicus on my laptop for me.
> However the ordered version of Hoary ddoesn't seem to include Gnopernicus 
> on the CD which was a problem because I didn't have an internet connection 
> at the time as my laptop didn't come with a wireless card.

Unfortunately, accessibility tools are not shipped on the main CD, but 
are in the main repository.

> Is the reason for it not being on the CD something to do with the type of 
> package group it falls into?

As I said above, it is in the main repository, but doesn't get shipped 
on the CD. I think partly lack of space, and lack of importance is why 
it isn't shipped.

> Also does Speakup work with Ubuntu?

It does, but you will have to build your own kernel to patch it in. Mail 
me off list, and I can probably help you sort it out, as I am now 
running Breezy.

> I would use Emacspeak for access to the command line stuff under Linux but 
> it is a pain to learn Emacs as I haven't managed to get my head around 
> stuff like accessing the web.

When I first got into Linux, I thought emacspeak would be the ansdwer as 
well, but I also found it too cryptic.

> Also I am thinking of investing in hardware for a wireless internet 
> connection as I should be able to get access where my local LUG meets and 
> maybe switch between this place and home. What wireless cards would anyone 
> suggest?
> Someone who got their laptop connected yesterday suggested a Dlink card and 
> router. 

I will let somebody else answer this question, as I am not up on the 
latest hardware support.

Note that more hardware would be supported in breezy than there would be 
in Hoary, and unless you have a strong reason to stay with Hoary, I 
would advise you to upgrade.

If you do upgrade, I can hook you up with a speakup-enabled kernel.

Hope this helps.
Luke Yelavich
GPG key: 0xD06320CE 
Email & MSN: themuso at
ICQ: 18444344
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