Please Help, I'm begging you: new Powerbook install problem 5.10

Peter Lieverdink ubuntu at
Mon Nov 7 10:57:41 UTC 2005

On Sun, 2005-11-06 at 22:53 -0800, Steve Calvin wrote:
> LOL.
> I currently have a Powerbook 1.67mhz, 15in., 'Hi-Res', the newest PB.  
> Before that I had a 1.25mhz, 15in. PB. The differences are minimal,  
> but the new PB uses DDR2 SDRAM and the 'superdrive' does dual layer  
> DVD burning.
> I had Hoary and Breezy running fine on the older PB.
> I am trying to install Breezy off a downloaded disk image that I  
> burned. The new PB starts up from this disk fine, and then the Ubuntu  
> installer starts, you know the rest...
> Actually, I have my HD all Mac OS, I was going to see if the  
> installer would let me install into freespace. (yeah, probably dumb).  
> Barring that I would reformat into a partition scheme for both Mac  
> and Ubuntu, install Mac, then Ubuntu.

I'm told by other Mac users that 'parted' can resize HFS+ partitions
without problems. That way you could make some new unpartitioned space
for the installer to use. Mind you, a backup is still a good idea :-)

> Well, why run Ubuntu on it? I got used to having it on the old PB,  
> and like being able to fiddle around with Linux. Thats about it. I'm  
> just trying to see what the fuss is all about. I like Ubuntu so much  
> I was tempted to go with a Intel or  AMD64 based laptop, which would  
> have been all Linux. (Well maybe a little windows).

It should run just fine; but the Airport Extreme isn't supported yet.
The again, you prolly know that :-) Some people have started on a
driver, but a useable version is probably still a few months away.

- P.
Peter Lieverdink #108200   -37.807478, 144.94465
0x969F3F57   9662 1CB5 8E54 450D 2E12 9D7E 580E 2519 969F 3F57
cachaca   21:57:24 up  3:46  2 users  load: 0.17 0.18 0.25
Ubuntu 5.10 (Breezy Badger)   Linux 2.6.12-9-amd64-k8 x86_64

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