HOW-TO: Giving up Ubuntu - a last word

Michael Shergold michaelshergold at
Fri Nov 4 20:23:58 UTC 2005

Two weeks ago I started this thread with a bit of explanation and 
background. Thanks for all your replies and comments and hopefully 
eventually things will be better, though I suspect when that day arrives 
many of you will be as unhappy with that distro or .org as you seem to be 
with Microsoft today.  I notice that there is quite a lot of anti-MS 
sentiment on show.
I had originally been trying to set up an elderly desktop for my daughter's 
home use and a respected younger friend had suggested that Linux would be 
an ideal method of breathing life into old 386 hardware.  That might 
perhaps still be true but would be useless for my daughter who is very used 
to MS Windows at work and here on my home network.  Someone else mentioned 
on this thread that they would never install Linux on their wife's 
machine..  Neither would I in it's present form!!! Breezy and Hoary might 
be more stable than Windows 95 but let's face it that's a ten year old 
operating system.  Today's XP+SP2 rarely crashes and can be made very 
secure; the large user base and MVP program means problem solutions are 
available within a few hours.  Not so Linux where it seems to be 'try this 
it worked for me' or 'look at this list of possible suggestions' or even 
worse, 'don't do what this document says because it will confuse things 
more' all of which I have received in answer to specific queries posted in 
this and the Kubuntu userlists.
Thanks again for all your concern and suggestions
best regards and thanks to Will, Matt, Kim, Rick, Philip, David, Michael, 
Peter, 'golfer', Troy, Dennis, Jason, Mike, Derek, Duncan, Timothy, Lee, 
Stu, Dan, Jason , Serg, Bernardo, rikel and 'wylfing the skeptic' and maybe 
some I missed.
Michael the oldtimer

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jason Straight" <jason at>
To: "Ubuntu Help and User Discussions" <ubuntu-users at>
Sent: Thursday, November 03, 2005 6:27 AM
Subject: Re: HOW-TO: Giving up Ubuntu

> On Thursday 03 November 2005 01:12, Serg Belokamen wrote:
>> This is a usless post and only re-emphesises opinions of others that
>> Linux community are zelots! If your friend wants to use windows; then
>> by all means....
>> In regards to security, windows can be made as secure as any *nix
>> system. People just dont do it.
>> Dont get me wrong here, I dont use Windows much at all (not even at
>> work) but fact remains that you just like MS got envolved in FUD
>> approach.
> No, I just made a joke. It's funny - laugh, go ahead, it's ok. None of 
> your
> windows friends are watching ;)
> I'll be the first person to say linux isn't for everyone, neither is 
> windows,
> hell - some people shouldn't even bother trying to use a computer at all.
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