
Norman Silverstone norman at
Fri Nov 4 11:19:21 UTC 2005

> > The problem is that Welsh did not appear in the drop down list of
> > languages. Any further advice please.
> > 
> > Norman
> Hmm. Does Welsh now appear in the "Default Languages" dialogue?
> It appears in that list for me, despite my not having Welsh installed - I would expect in your case it would appear there with a tick next to it. Perhaps try selecting that, then re-checking your "Writing Aids" ?
> Just to be sure, you might try re-starting OpenOffice after selecting Welsh in that dialogue, see if it "sticks", and then go back to the languages drop down in writing aids. I remember older versions of Open Office required some gymnastics to convince them that the dictionaries were installed and that yes, you  *did* want to use them.
> Good luck...
> Peter

After careful reading of the information in synaptic I realised that
installing 'openoffice.org2-l10-....' does not, in fact, install the
dictionary. You have to install the appropriate 'myspell' package. It
worked for French and German but, unfortunately, there is not a Welsh
one in synaptic. I must consult Google.


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