aptitude changelog

Thomas Hofer th at monochrom.at
Fri May 27 10:21:11 UTC 2005

Oliver Grawert wrote: [Friday 27 May 2005 11:14]
> Am Freitag, den 27.05.2005, 11:02 +0200 schrieb Thomas Hofer:
> > I know I could download all packages, extract them and read the
> > changelogs; but is there a more convenient way? And is it really
> > neccessary to download a 40 MB package, only to read the changelog?
> try apt-listchanges, at least it shows the changelog _during_
> install...

Works great! 

The man page should mention that apt-listchanges is called by apt 
automatically. At first I was really baffled about how to invoke it.

Using "dpkg-reconfigure apt-listchanges" I configured it so that 
"aptitude upgrade" shows the current changes for all downloaded 
packages and asks for confirmation before the installation begins.


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