spam - ideas?

Erik Bågfors zindar at
Sun May 22 10:36:45 UTC 2005

If using evolution, start to mark mail as junk (and yes, it uses
spamassassin so you need that installed locally). Make sure you have
"check for spam" on in the settings. After markin spam as junk for a
while, spamassasin will learn. The more you use it, the better it

I've gotten mine to take about 99.5% or my spam and I only had like 3
false-possitives. I get hundreds of spam each day.

You can do the same with thunderbird but I don't know how it performs.


On 5/22/05, Sean Miller <sean at> wrote:
> Looking for any ideas folks might have to combat spam, once it starts
> flooding in...
> I have spamassassin enabled on my e-mail account but have noticed, of
> late, that a lot is getting through... hundreds a week, which is really
> clogging up my mailbox. Unfortunately this is the account that most
> people use, so I can't just "switch it off" but am having real trouble
> managing to delete all the rubbish.
> Any ideas how I might make Spamassassin perform better, or other tools
> that I could use in conjunction to filter out the garbage?
> Sean
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