Newbie install

squareyes squareyes at
Thu May 19 13:33:17 UTC 2005

Pitt, Julian Mr wrote:

> Hi
> I am very keen to get ubuntu up and running and have installed in on a 
> machine I have at home. When it boots up it seems to be in 
> the equivalent of command prompt. I enter my user name and password 
> and I am returned to the prompt. Is it likely there is a problem with 
> the install disk or is there a command to get me into GUI mode. Cheers 
> people.

try typing at command prompt
If you get an error message will have to
1. for Warty type at command line sudo  dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86
will ask for password
2. for Hoary type at command line sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
and setup your video. ( I have Warty on, so not sure if -xorg is correct)
Hope this helps

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