Install and post-install questions

simi simi_id at
Wed May 18 12:29:33 UTC 2005

Hello again,
I'm a newbie in Ubuntu. Finally I managed to install UBUNTU 5.04 without any problems and I have some post install questions:
1. If I make in a propriety window some changes, how can I revert to default settings or previously settings ? Because pressing Close button or the upper X it will not skip the changes.
2. What is the default root password ? Cause by default is booting with the created guest account. Why doesn't start by default as root ? Where to change root password ? This mean that anyone can use root or what ?
3. Why I can't login as root in Gnome ?
4. Save Current Setup when logging out ... what does this mean ? What is saving ?
5. How can I set not to start in Gnome ? To boot directly into console not X Server.
6. How to install kernel source files ? Cause I need to install my NForce2 drivers and the installer need to compile a new kernel and does not find kernel sources.
7. Is there a Midnight Commander alternative ?

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