HowTo: apply a "patch" ?!

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at
Tue May 17 05:57:18 UTC 2005

> If I understand well, it means that patch couldn't find anywhere in the
> source file a place to put the patch. Like either the patch is bad, or
> that it was done with a different source file, maybe not from a default
> Hoary install ?

Hmmm, yes, I think this is it. The source file was rather small, so I
looked at it with Gedit by hand, I could easily find the places where
the code should be patched. Indeed, the source file I got via apt-get is
a little bit different from what the patch found in bugzilla expected.
Strange, I thought that once Hoary was released, things like this were
supposed to be stable.... I am a bit lost.
Oh, lemme see... the comment proposing the patch is dated.... one month
before Hoary final ! Boy, Ubuntu-ers are rather quick at fixing/patching
this, impressing ! :o)
Okay, so lets say that I passed my "patching howto" exam. I will just
modify the code by hand and see if it compiles okay...

Vince, playing with fire...

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