Blood Lesson WARNING re "WARTY" Install

vailima vailima at
Mon May 9 14:24:18 UTC 2005

If I may suggest ....

BEFORE ... PRIOR TO ... installing UBUNTU onto your main (or only) microcomputer, do yourself a favor and either; 

(1) Purchase a Card Reader with the appropriate number of Memory Cards as may be needed to store all your valuable data files or 

(2) purchase a new and large enough hard drive with the associated cables (see eBay) with which you can attach this new hard drive to your present computer, 

.. then down load and store all files and associated data which are of value to you.

I suggest this as "WARTY" UBUNTU will destroy/write over/delete/remove ALL files currently on your hard drive. Unlike Mandrake, "WARTY" UBUNTU will NOT reside with another operating system on the same hard drive.

I found this out the hard way ... only I had and have backup files and data stored on other microcomputers which I own.

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