Hoary: Kernel 2.6.10 & 2.6.11 / USB-harrdisk failure

S. Donig my-mailfloods at web.de
Mon May 9 07:09:16 UTC 2005

> I have a similar problem with a USB-only Firelite 80GB drive.  Only 
> difference is that it doesn't get detected under any kernel greater than 
>  Doesn't even show up in /dev.  Haven't tried compiling the 
> kernel myself, as I'm saving that particular bit of fun as a last 
> resort.  Any advice?
No really helpful.
We should find a kernel-expert and ask her/him whether something
fundamentally in the kernel was changed since 2.10.
I compiled a 2.11 from mandrake and one from plain vanilla sources with
debian patches. Both kernels failed. I tried a 2.6.9 (from vlos) and it
worked. I guess you just used the kernels provided by ubuntu?

Maybe it's a d-bus or hal + Kernel issue? In general I have the feeling
that hotplug was smoother in Warty. I don't know if you can support that

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