
Emil Oppeln-Bronikowski opi at
Fri May 6 08:00:49 UTC 2005

Matthew S-H wrote:

> great for conversations between two people and that that might be part 
> of the reason mail clients put their cursors at the top.

 Mines on the bottom. That makes sense. Bad quoting is rude, because you 
ask somone to do a hard work of reading stuff from backward, also if you 
don't snip text, you will end up in 40Kb e-mail with ,,Me too'' on the top.

 First, doing that, you're messing with my mailbox. Second, your adding 
load for servers. Thrid, if someone asks for help in a 
form I dislike, I will not force myself to read his annoying 
top-posting. I think there's lots of people who skip such mails without 
even reading it.

 You're reading books and newspapers from top to bottom. So you're 
getting introduction to the story and the conclusion. Not the ,,And they 
got married!'' in the title, and ,,Long time ago, there..'' in the last 

 Using e-mail has some rules. Driving a car has rules, too. Sure, you 
don't get e-mail driving licence, but you're asking us to get better 
bumpers, because you like to drive from left to right and from time to 
time crash in our cars.

 Sorry for the rant.

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