kernel support for USB-USB networking

Kenton Brede kbrede at
Thu Mar 31 21:02:03 UTC 2005

On Thu, Mar 31, 2005 at 09:41:36PM +0100, david (nux at wrote:
> 	Greetings,
> I'm trying to get my Zaurus to be able to use the network connection
> via the USB cradle on my Ubuntu box. Whilst searching for help on the
> subject I came across the following in a Debian tutorial.
> Starting with kernel 2.4.21, there is out of the box support for the
> Zaurus in the kernel. 
> You don't need to patch the kernel anymore !!
> In the linux kernel configuration just make sure you select the
> following:
> In the USB support section, in the USB Network adaptors subsection,
> select USB-to-USB Networking cables, Linux PDAs and recompile the
> modules ( make modules modules_install ).
> Is this enabled in Ubuntu or do I need to recompile the kernel?

I don't have a Zaurus but you will find the kernel config in /boot
In the default kernel for Hoary "/boot/config-2.6.10-4-386," I find -

# Intelligent USB Devices/Gadgets

Looks to me like it has support for your device.

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."
  - Martin Luther King Jr.

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