getting lirc working

macta ulist at
Thu Mar 31 12:44:13 UTC 2005

I too have been struglling to get LIRC running - so reading your post at
least gives me hope.

Am I correct in understanding (and this might be tricky as I know that
in these circumstances you try all sorts of things)

You did:

1) apt-get install lirc-source-headers
2) followed the instructions in the README
make-kpkg --revision 4 modules_image
dpkg -i lirc<version stuff>.deb

(actually in the above - for Ubunutu hoary, not sure what revision
number to use as uname -r gives: 2.6.10-4-386?)

3) ignore the .o that is put in /lib/modules/kernel-source-ver/misc/

4) Download the source ( lirc-0.7.0.tar.gz ) extract it and
follow the INSTALL instructions:

./ && make install

At this point things seem to work (where as if you did step 4 first it
wouldn't work - I recall I never got it to work when I tried it, but
havne't followed these steps)

5) Do some manual configuration of modules (what exactly did you have
to do?)

6) fix /etc/lirc/hardware.conf (not sure what you had to do - but I
imagine this bit depends on your remote)

Does this seem about right - and if you could expand on any of the bits
that I didn't understand that would be great.



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