apt-get vs. Ubuntu Update Manager

demon666_nl ulist at gs1.ubuntuforums.org
Thu Mar 31 08:28:24 UTC 2005

apt-get upgrade upgrades packages to new versions. If there is a
dependencies problem you have to handle it yourself. because after the
release of warty only security fixes are added there most likeley won't
be problems with apt-get upgrade. If there are you would want to look at
it yourself.

apt-get dist-upgrade handles small dependencies problems for you.
dist-upgrade is only necessary for upgrading your distribution to the
next release. OR for people running hoary at this moment because it is
not yet released and things could still change.

Hoary is quite stable so you can quite safely dist-upgrade to hoary
already. If there's a problem with your screen try sudo
dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg. If there are other problems search the
forums and else ask here. If you are thinking about dist-upgrading to
hoary. Here's a guide 


PS before dist-upgrading to hoary apt-get upgrade your warty can't hurt
but it isn't necessary


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