
Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at modulonet.fr
Thu Mar 31 01:57:02 UTC 2005

> but why a sony folder ?

Don't ask ME ! ;o) Ask the developpers, they must know....

> >>the manual for my AsRock K7S41 motherboard says i can monitor CPU temperature.
> >>also Ubuntu Device Manager does not see the type of my processor (AMD Sempron 2200+) and i have still no sound.
> >>maybe this cheap hardware is just not supported by ubuntu ?
> > Ah...well...looking bad...maybe you need to get a more common/better
> > supported motherboard then... :-/ 
> oh, this is a very popular/common hardware combination.

Is it ? Never heard of "AsRock" motherboards before.  I guess I am not
very up to date on the M/B front ;o)

That said, even well known stuff is not garanteed to work. I have a
super popular (in its time) MSI board with the nForve NVIDIA chipset,
yet the NVIDIA driver refuses to work in Hoary.
If NVIDIA drivers refuse to work on NVIDIA chipsets, what can I do ? :-/
That said, they work fine in Warty, so has to be something wrong with


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