I'm looking for options to get Ubuntu up and running, I'd like help/feedback on any or all of them

chris cja1 at datasync.com
Wed Mar 30 02:10:20 UTC 2005

I have two systems
	Powerbook G4 1GHz	 1GB ram	"60GB" (60*10^9 bytes) HD system that I 
can't seem to get Yaboot to load on.  I was able to load just Ubuntu on 
this one, but I am emailing you from this now, and must have MacOS on 
this system (I'd perfer to have a dual boot, but if I can't  get yaboot 
to install, it won't work).
		Of corse, if I can get both Mac and ubuntu to install without yaboot, 
this would be ideal (obviously my system and yaboot are incompatible -- 
evidenced by the inability to load).

	I have an older system PowerPC G3 266MHz	192MB ram, 2 hard drives a 
4GB (which I don't want to touch) and a 15~20GB HD, both presently 
formatted in HFS+ but the larger one has no files on it, in preperation 
to load linux on there when I get the time/version that'll work on a 
beige G3 w/ built-in scsi and 2 ADB ports (I also have a USB card, I 
put in a few months after purchase).  The system was assembled in 
November 1998.  It came with OS 8.5 and currently has OS 8.6 on it.  I 
tried the same warty release CD I successfully used on my laptop, can't 
boot from it.


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