window managers

Tony tony.kruse at
Fri Mar 25 03:23:53 UTC 2005

I installed Fluxbox just in the last couple of days on my Athlon Warty
box.  It was easy.  You probably need to have your
/etc/apt/sources.list open to Universe.  I used "apt-get install
fluxbox" and it installed with no difficulty.  After installed you can
choose at login whether or not you want to log in as a Fluxbox session
or Gnome or other.  See the "session" menu in the login screen.

I still prefer Gnome, but if you are running on low horsepower it is an option.


On Fri, 25 Mar 2005 11:55:00 +0900, toyfactory <toyfactory at> wrote:
> Hi, I'm thinking about trying to find an alternative to Gnome.  A few
> years ago I had a vaguely functional Red Hat 7 setup using Enlightenment
> window manager.  I was able to run a whole load of Gnome apps, so
> presumably I had all the Gnome libraries installed.  I guess I would be
> possible to do the same with Ubuntu.  I might try KDE as another
> heavyweight alternative to Gnome.  But what about all the other,
> lighter, managers like Enlightenment, Xfce, Fluxbox, Icewm, Afterstep
> etc.  Is anyone here using something other than Gnome or KDE?  How easy
> was it to get configured (I'm happy with text files, provided they're
> easy to find and well documented) and was there any difficulty getting
> already installed Gnome or KDE apps working with it?
> Cheers,
> Nick
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