Hoary Preview+Intro+Wireless+at76c503

Charlie Lewis clewis4 at hot.rr.com
Mon Mar 21 12:55:52 UTC 2005

G'morning Ubuntu World.

Charlie Lewis aka Chronocidal Charlie, one of the world's oldest *living* 
Linux users coming at you from beautiful, backwoods, outback Temple, TX. to 
let you know I put my 63 year old *Grandpa's* seal of approval on the...

charlie at main:~$ cat /etc/lsb-release
DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu (The Hoary Hedgehog Release) Development Branch"
charlie at main:~$ 

Now all that stuff that prolly no one gives a hoot about I'll get on to some 
more unsolicited trivia. ;-)

Just installed the Hoary on two machines over the weekend and on one of them I 
use a Linksys WUSB111 ver.2.6, modules for which I couldn't get to build with 
the  2.6.10-5-386 kernel and the atmelwlandriver-source using 
module-assistant, so's I set out and sarched the web and it seems like all I 
run into was others having problems with wireless. I knew it would work 
since I've been using it on Debian Sid for quite some time and several other 

I pulled the at76c503-source (0.12.beta19-4) from Debian unstable contribs and 
apt-getted the atmel firmware from Debian unstable non-free, stuck the source
in place in my /usr/src/modules and even though I couldn't get 
module-assistant to find it, I did a make and make install manually with it. 
It built, but I had to manually move all my modules 
to /lib/modules/2.6.10-5-386/kernel/drivers/net/wireless did all my depmod 
tomfoolery, straightened out hotplug's needs and bingo, we got's wireless. 
Tried a number of reboots and power downs to see how the firmware was going 
to stick and only one time I had to rmmod and re-modprobe the drivers. 
Otherwise it seems to be working great. 

Okay, so now that is archived so some hapless soul may find it if 
needed. ;-);-)

Pass on my congratulations and thanks to all yew developer people there in 
Ubuntu land for a hell of a fine job. Thanks 

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