Bittorrent 4.0

Eamonn Sullivan eamonn.sullivan at
Sat Mar 19 21:04:41 UTC 2005

On Sat, 19 Mar 2005 09:21:10 +0000, Eamonn Sullivan
<eamonn.sullivan at> wrote:
> Anyone know if it's possible to use the new version of Bittorrent with
> the existing gnome-btdownload front end in Hoary? I tried alien on the
> rpm from the official site, but that just broke gnome-btdownload
> (probably because the rpm puts the modules in python2.3's site-lib). I
> downloaded the source and am familiar with python. It looks like it
> could work because gnome-btdownload is itself a python program and
> just imports the modules, but before I run, I thought I
> better check to see if anyone else has tried this...
> -Eamonn

Further on this: I just did the easiest (why screw up a working
system?) and unpacked the BT4 source into ~/bin, chmod u+x bt*,
changed firefox's settings, and it appears to work fine (array CD 7 is
about a third downloaded). Just for yucks, I copied
/usr/bin/gnome-btdownload and tried it with 4.0 and it didn't work, at
least right away. I'll try again later. But at first glance, I'm not
seeing a huge difference between the 3.Xsomething version of
bittorrent in Hoary with 4.0, at least in terms of download speed.
Azureus still seems to have the best user interface.

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