USB modem installation

John French cjf at
Mon Mar 14 09:24:33 UTC 2005

On Sat, 12 Mar 2005 09:32:07 +1300, Bill Christiansen wrote :

	4. To break the circle, I bought another USB modem, this time 			one 
listed in the Knowledge Base at as a 			real 
hardware modem (OK with Linux) (MultiTech MT5634ZBA-USB). 			Now, the 
device manager sees it, but there is nothing in the 			/dev directory, 
which I can use to implement it.

    Hardware modems usually show up on /dev/ttyS0 - ttyS4, but I haven't
    actually tried a usb one so that may be a bit different.

Right, I had hoped to find something under /dev/ttyS0 - 4, or maybe
/dev/ttyUSB0, or, even better, /dev/modem, but no, nothing. Not even
after a re-install with the modem connected.

Any advice on how I kick-start warty into seeing a USB modem ?


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