Digital TV tuner support

Lyndon Drake lyndon at
Sat Mar 12 22:12:52 UTC 2005

I have a Hauppauge Nova-T digital PCI TV tuner card.  This card does not
currently work in Ubuntu (warty or hoary), as it requires patches from
the linux-dvb project [1].  The 2.6.11 image in hoary locks up on my pc,
but apparently even that kernel needs additional patches for the
relevant driver to work (it's the cx88 driver).  I tried and failed to
get the linux-dvb patches to merge with the ubuntu kernel source

I wondered if one of the kernel package maintainers would be able to
have a go at merging the dvb driver patches?  I am very happy to be a
guinea pig for testing such kernels, as I currently have a completely
non-functional TV tuner.

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


[1] - see the mailing lists for the most
up-to-date information

Lyndon Drake <lyndon at>

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