iMac G3 (rev a) at 800x600 at 95Hz

Eamonn Sullivan eamonn.sullivan at
Sat Mar 12 17:23:51 UTC 2005

Try this: open a Root Terminal (Applications/System Tools) and then at
the prompt type:

dpkg-reconfigure xserver-x86free

Accept most of the defaults, but when you get to the resolutions,
deselect 1024x768.


On Sat, 12 Mar 2005 15:27:22 +0100, Bart Kuik <bartkuik at> wrote:
> Hello,
> I've installed Ubuntu 4.10 on my iMac G3, rev A with 256MB of RAM and
> a 40GB hd. The first time it automagically made a partition of 38 GB,
> installed the OS, and didn't boot because the partition with the OS
> needs too be in the first 7.4GB on those old iMacs. The second time I
> created the partitions myself and it works fine.
> Now there's another problem. Gnome starts up in 1024x768, which runs
> at 75Hz, which isn't very comfortable. I'd rather have a more solid
> screen at a lower resolution (800x600 at 95Hz), but I can't figure out
> how to do that. XF86Config-4 seems to ignore the 'Screen' section, and
> seems to run with FBDev, so I think the solution is to start the
> computer in 800x600 at 95 textmode instead of 1024x768 at 75, but I can't
> figure out how to do that. Do I need to edit the bootloader? Edit the
> kernel?
> I hope someone can help me.
> Bart
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