Programs at Startup

Christoph Georgi christoph.georgi at
Mon Mar 7 07:11:59 UTC 2005

Thanks.. That solved the problem.

The odd thing is, that now my skype, which is in Sessions -> Startup, is 
opening twice when I log in: Once for the Startup entry and once cause I 
saved the Session with skype open.. Shouldn't there be rather a single 
setting for startup programs?


rpowersau at wrote:
> On Sun, 06 Mar 2005 22:57:22 +1300, Christoph Georgi
> <christoph.georgi at> wrote:
>>The problem is, it is not in startup programs.. and even if I delete it
>>from the "current sessions" tab, or mark it with the Wastebasket, it
>>still starts up...
> Have you tried shutting down Gaim then log out of gnome selecting the
> "Save current session" box in the  log out dialog?
>>bored2k wrote:
>>>Computer>System Configuration>Sessions>Startup Programs>Remove>Gaim
>>Christoph Georgi
>>email.  christoph.georgi at
>>fon.    +64 (0)21 049 8030
>>registered linux user #380268
>>ubuntulinux 4.10 (warty)
>>ubuntu-users mailing list
>>ubuntu-users at


Christoph Georgi
email.  christoph.georgi at
fon.	+64 (0)21 049 8030

registered linux user #380268
ubuntulinux 4.10 (warty)

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