Difference: Hoary LiveCD <> upgraded Warty

Matt Zimmerman mdz at ubuntu.com
Sun Mar 6 23:15:27 UTC 2005

On Sun, Mar 06, 2005 at 04:12:12PM +0100, Vincent Trouilliez wrote:

> > I don't understand why there are fundamental differences between a
> > continuously upgraded warty installation and the hoary array 6 live cd I
> > tried recently.
> Without going back as far as Warty, I also found big differences between
> an updated Array 5, and a fresh array 6 !
> So, although I will keep updating every day, when Hoary is released, I
> will re-install it all over again from the stable ISO, just to be sure
> not to miss on anything...

The usual explanation is that the user has uninstalled some of the
metapackages (ubuntu-base, ubuntu-desktop, linux-<arch>, etc.).  We provide
those packages as a mechanism for new packages to be installed on upgrade,
so that they match what you would get on a fresh installation.

The only other cause which comes to mind is that if you saved your session,
you may need to start with a fresh session in order to get all of the

 - mdz

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