vncserver and hoary

Eamonn Sullivan eamonn.sullivan at
Sat Mar 5 21:51:54 UTC 2005

On Sat, 5 Mar 2005 13:09:53 +0000, Eamonn Sullivan
<eamonn.sullivan at> wrote:
> Display 0 (System/Preferences/Remote Desktop) works fine. Starting
> vncserver and connecting to a :0+x display does not.  Everything
> displays perfectly -- I get my desktop and the menus and I can move
> around and launch items with the mouse -- but typing anything results
> in garbage characters, like nn7410nsldf instead of what I want to
> type. It's the same in every application.

(I seem to be replying to myself a lot lately -- bad sign.) May I ask
a favour? Can someone please try this? This is making Hoary unusable
for me.

On Hoary: 
sudo apt-get install vncserver

On another computer: 
use a VNC viewer (I've tried Ultr at VNC, vncviewer, realvnc and
tightvnc) to connect to whatever vncserver said it created (probably
Open a terminal or something. 
What happens? Do you see garbage characters or what you typed?


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