***kernal panic on starting Appletalk services***

Kim Cascone kim at anechoicmedia.com
Wed Mar 2 20:41:17 UTC 2005

I have installed Ubuntu (Warty) on an iBook
set up for dual boot OSX 10.3.x and Warty
everything was fine until I tried to install netatalk via synaptic 
packages manager in Ubuntu
after the install it tried to build and config netatalk and in the 
middle of this process automatically rebooted the machine
after reboot it loaded the bios and got to the yaboot as well as 
loading the kernal
everything loads fine except when it gets to trying to start up 
Appletalk services
then it goes into kernal panic and reboots but goes thru the same drill

I asked on #ubuntu and #debian irc but no-one seemed to know how to go 
into 'recovery/single user mode' on ppc
can anyone help me out here?...I'm dead in the water until I can solve 
this :(

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