
Ed Fletcher ed at
Tue Mar 1 21:26:50 UTC 2005


Hmmm . . . you are seeing NetworkManager loading during the boot process 
(with no errors, I'm assuming), and you've done all the steps called for 
in the webpage below, you have the wireless card in while booting and 
the card is being recognized by the kernel.  But no NetworkManager icon 
  in the top line.  Is this a laptop?  Have you run "top" or "ps -A" 
from a terminal window to see if the process was started and stayed running?

I'm getting low on ideas.  This "just worked" for me.  I get error 
messages during the boot process once in a while, but it hasn't stopped 
NetworkManager from functioning as it's supposed to.


R S Gill wrote:
> Yes, I do see NetworkManager come up during the boot process.
> Gill
> Ed Fletcher wrote:
> | Are you seeing NetworkManager loading during the boot process?  It
> | should come a few lines after the machine attempts to set up a network
> | connection.
> |
> | Ed
> |
> | R S Gill wrote:
> |
> |> I forgot to mention in my previous posts that I am running Hoary.
> |>
> |> Gill
> |> Niran Babalola wrote:
> |>
> |>> If you are not using ndiswrapper, then I don't know what's causing
> |>> your problem. If you are and you're running Warty, NetworkManager
> |>> won't work for you. The ndiswrapper version that Warty shipped with
> |>> doesn't tell HAL the capabilities that is has. NetworkManager asks HAL
> |>> for all the wireless capable devices and works with those. Since
> |>> ndiswrapper doesn't tell it anything, NetworkManager thinks that only
> |>> a wired ethernet device is available. In this case, when you run
> |>> NetworkManagerInfo, it won't display anything in your panel, since
> |>> it's useless if you only have a wired device.
> |>>
> |>> Two options:
> |>> 1) Use netapplet.
> |>>
> |>> Download the package and install it with "dpkg -i". When you want to
> |>> use wireless, run netapplet (the package created a menu entry in
> |>> Applications -> Other). It's been a bit buggy for me, but it's better
> |>> than nothing.
> |>> 2) Upgrade to Hoary. I think the preferred wireless solution for Hoary
> |>> is netapplet which has an Ubuntufied package in the Hoary
> |>> repositories. If you still want to use NetworkManager, which from what
> |>> I hear seems to be a bit better, it should work in Hoary, because I
> |>> think ndiswrapper fixed that problem since Warty was released.
> |>>
> |>> Personally, I'm using netapplet for now, and upgrading to Hoary when
> |>> the Preview Release comes out (March 9th I think). When I upgrade,
> |>> I'll probably switch to NetworkManager.
> |>>
> |>> Good luck!
> |>>
> |>> - Niran
> |>>
> |>>
> |>> On Mon, 28 Feb 2005 00:29:01 -0500, R S Gill <rsgill at> wrote:
> |>>
> |>>> I did exactly as the wiki said to do. That included setting
> |>>> networkmanagerinfo to launch at startup and restarting dbus.
> |>>>
> |>>> Nothing happens. I see the notification area move a little but no icon
> |>>> or any visible sign that networkmanager is running. In all this
> |>>> time, my
> |>>> network connections are dead.
> |>>>
> |>>> Gill
> |>>> Ed Fletcher wrote:
> |>>>
> |>>>> R S Gill wrote:
> |>>>>
> |>>>>
> |>>>>> Hi all,
> |>>>>>
> |>>>>> Can someone please tell me how to start NetworkManager. I followed
> |>>>>> all
> |>>>>> the instructions in the Ubuntu NetworkManager Wiki but all that
> |>>>>> happens is that my network connections are killed.
> |>>>>>
> |>>>>> I DO NOT see anything resembling networkmanager in my task bar.
> |>>>>>
> |>>>>> Gill
> |>>>>
> |>>>>
> |>>>>
> |>>>>
> |>>>> Did you do this step:
> |>>>>
> |>>>> Go to Desktop Preferences and then the Sessions option - this is 
> under
> |>>>> Advanced in Debian.
> |>>>> In the Startup Programs tab, click Add
> |>>>> type "NetworkManagerInfo", click OK.
> |>>>> log out of your gnome session, and log back in again.
> |>>>>
> |>>>> From
> |>>>>
> |>>>> Ed
> |
> |
> |

Ed Fletcher
ed at

What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans and the homeless,
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or the holy name of liberty or democracy?  -  Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948)

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