Kubuntu -> Control Center -> Internet & Network -> Network Settings [Admin. Mode] (NO ACCESS)

Roger Chrisman roger at rogerchrisman.com
Thu Jun 30 22:16:20 UTC 2005

[Correction: I *am* the only user]

Hi All,

In Kubuntu, when I click on:

K Menu -> Control Center -> Internet & Network -> Network Settings 
[Administrator Mode]

and Enter my primary user password in the pop-up dialog, I get returned 
to the top level "Internet & Network" page every time instead of access 
to "Network Settings" Administrator Mode.

Any ideas why that is happening? Or how to correct it?

Administrator Mode there worked at first but it is not letting me in 
now. I have this same problem on both my Desktop Box and my Laptop. I 
installed Kubuntu 5.04 on both computers myself and I am the only user.

Thanks for any suggestions,

on Kubuntu
I prefer KDE desktop. So I installed Kubuntu on my desktop box and on my 
laptop instead of Ubuntu. Kubuntu is Ubuntu but with KDE as default 
desktop instead of Gnome.

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