Two things missing from Ubuntu - Backup and Firewall - can we havethem in Horay

Arjan Geven arjangeven at
Thu Jun 30 08:49:13 UTC 2005

> It is a damn good tool for a full backup, but we need an good tool that
> supports regular and incremental backups. Kdar is quite good, but I'd
> like to see proper support for spooling out to DVD-R or some other
> medium.

Regular and incremental backups? Sounds like the perfect job for
cronjob + rsync. Both come in a default Hoary install if I recall
correctly.. Unfortunately, no GUI is available. You'll have to search
the internet a bit to find some scripts or tutorials to get it to
work. But when you get it to work, it'll do its job perfectly :-).


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