Latest Open Office

Sam Hiser shiser at
Wed Jun 29 13:38:18 UTC 2005

On Wed, 2005-06-29 at 10:36 +0200, Weiers Coetser wrote:
> Hi
> I am a complete newbie. I just installed Ubuntu (hoary) onto my home
> computer. It was such an easy process, and everything is working well.
> It took me a while to get support for AVI file formats etc.
> I see that it still works with Open Office 1.1.3.
> Is there a way that I can upgrade to the latest versions of Open
> Office... without breaking anything on my system. (i had a problem a
> while ago installing a newer version of Mozilla firefox on Mandrake...
> and I had to jump through all kinds of hoops to get it to work... even
> now it does not work properly. It does not open up when I click on a
> URL in thunderbird etc.)
> Thanks


On Hoary, go to the Synaptic Package Manager, search for OpenOffice2 and
"Mark for Installation."  This will also automatically flag the other
dependent components (OpenOffice Calc, and so on).  Then "Apply".

Once it is installed, then just log out and when you log back in the
nice colorful icons of OOo 1.9.(79? it is a slightly older version of
the beta I believe).  Does it work?  Mine does and you can set up the
OOo2 icons on the desktop alongside or in replacement of OOo1 icons, as
you like.

If you require more detailed steps for Synaptic, don't be afraid to come
back to the list and someone if not me can walk you thru the

-Sam Hiser  

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