how do i use apt-get

Norman Silverstone norman at
Wed Jun 29 07:23:23 UTC 2005

On Wed, 2005-06-29 at 08:40 +0200, Ante Karamatić wrote:
> On Wed, 2005-06-29 at 12:19 +0700, Chanchao wrote:
> > Not really. Windows calls it 'Add or remove programs'. I opted for
> > 'Get or remove progtams'. "getting" software from a main repository is
> > Ubuntu way of thinking, going to a shop, buying and adding and
> > registering the software is windows. :)
> No comment.
> > Would be nice if they were though. How many different graphical
> > installers does an operating system really need? I'm perfectly happy
> > with Ubuntu picking the one they consider the most appropriate, and
> > then referring to it by what it does.
> So, you are happy with synaptic? KDE fans will adore kynaptic. I love
> aptitude, and all hard-core debian users can't live without dselect. Why
> would we adopt app that you, me or anybody else likes, and drop all
> others?
> > It's not about Windows at all.. Yes it seems Windows has a control
> > panel for adding or removing software. They even named it wrong
> > because who actually uses it to ADD software? It's mostly used to
> > remove it. But anyway, that's of no concern. The thing that Ubuntu
> > included to get and remove software I think should be called by what
> > it does.
> Lot of posts here are about Windows ans MacOSX way. Every new users
> wants <put any distro here> to look and feel like Windows or MacOSX. Why
> do they swtich then? Cause of free (as in beer) software?
> In KDE you have option of displaying menu as "Function (name of
> program)" or "Function" or "Name of program". Try KDE then.
> > Actually, all things in the system administration menu / preferences
> > meny should be called by what they do, and mostly they are. Synaptic
> > is just a bit of an exception.
> It isn't. It's "Synaptic Package Manager". Don't know about you, but to
> me it sounds pretty straigtforward. I agree with you that all entrys in
> Administration are function specific, except synaptic.
> > There's nothing "windows" about giving things a name based on what
> I didn't say it's Windows like. I said it isn't Linux like. Acctually, I
> was wrong, better to say is - it isn't Gnome way.
> > they are. I think we all agree an effort is needed to make Linux
> > (Ubuntu) less cryptic. New users can't be expected to know what
> > 'Synaptic' is for, or even what a 'package' is and why these should be
> > 'managed' or even what this 'managing' process involves. Call the
> > thing "Get more programs!" I say. :)
> If Package managmend is to foggy for them, do you really think Program
> will sound much better? :) And calling it Get more programs will be a
> bit untrue. It's function isn't only to add more Packages (not
> programs), but a lot more. You can search, remove, etc. And there are
> many other ways you can Get Program, that synaptic doesn't support -
> binary programs, source builds, etc... Package Manager is the best name,
> cause it trully describes it's function.

I am relatively new to Linux and when I first saw the word Synaptic I
felt the same as Chanchao but now, after several months, I am not sure.
I agree, it is a lot more than getting, installing and removing software
but I think that that is it's main purpose. Perhaps if I new exactly
what Synaptic meant I would be more comfortable with the name. Can
anybody help please?


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