I hate windows but i keep on comming back

Steve Torrefranca javacide at gmail.com
Wed Jun 29 06:21:16 UTC 2005

well the point that I was trying to say was that, true most of us maybe
spend 95% of our waking hours in linux, but window$ will always happily
sit on our  computer.  There is always the "what if's" and "maybe i
might" insecurities.  I would love to see myself buying a desktop PC or
a laptop one day without making me buy a M$ home or pro for the "what
if's", thus saving me a lot of money.  Wndws will always be an excess
baggage in case we need it. That is why I think an open-source emulator
is important to get rid of this "insecurity".

I think it is safe to say that most Linux user no matter what dist they
are using are running dual -boot. But most windows users arent at all,
at all and at all.  If so, what does this tell us?


Senectus . wrote:

>I've made the switch, and have been very happy for it for the past 2 years :-) 
>Granted there are things that don't work under linux like they do
>under windows.. but then you don't use 2 stroke fuel in a hummer do
>I also have a "Smart phone" that runs the MS 2003 PPC OS, it refuses
>to sync up so instead of bitching about it and going back to windows
>I'm going to sell it and buy a PALM OS smart phone (Treo 650) which
>sync's up much easier.
>The same goes for other problems.. instead of falling back through the
>Gates of Hell I change my tactics and use a different product, it may
>not be perfect but the gains way out weigh the loses.

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