Suggestion for wireless PC-card 802.11b / 802.11g with out-of-the-box support in Hoary

Christian Toldnes christian.toldnes at
Tue Jun 28 19:57:28 UTC 2005

On 6/27/05, Lee W <ubuntu-list at> wrote:

> I've had success with two wireless cards on Hoary.
> Firstly (as already mentioned), DWL-G650 B2 version (purchased in the
> UK), this uses an Atheros chipset and I believe the madwifi drivers. You
> do however have to use a binary firmware (which could have certain legal
> problems).

Yes, I was hoping to be able to stay 'in-kernel' on this.

> Secondly, a Netgear WG511 "Made in China" version.  This however does
> use the NDISWrapper Drivers.  I haven't looked into NDIS much other than
> the fact (for me) it works better than the DWL-G650 card so not sure
> what you reservations are for considering to use it.

I have reservations because the onboard Broadcom card on my Asus
laptop uses ndiswrapper and is highly unstable with just about any
version of ndiswrapper. I also don't like the system being tainted by
unverifiable software.

> The WG511 "Made in Taiwan" version is supposedly supported by the
> prism54 drivers and these are included with the Linux Kernel I believe.

Sounds like something to look into.

I have also gotten off-list response regarding the "3com 11a/b/g
Wireless PC Card with XJACK". The one called 3CRPAG175 on the 3com
site. Uses the madwifi drivers right out of the box on Hoary.

I have ordered one and will report back on my findings.

kind regards


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