newly compiled kernel > 100MB

Bob Nielsen nielsen at
Mon Jun 27 22:54:39 UTC 2005

On Mon, Jun 27, 2005 at 11:00:22PM +0200, S. Donig wrote:
> <Snip> 
> > It sounds like your talking about the kernel source.  The kernel source
> > deb should be approximately 100megs.  It will have a name of
> > kernel-source-<version> or linux-source-<version>.  The deb containing
> > the actual kernel itself will be called kernel-image-<version> or
> > linux-image-<version>.
> It's definitely no source file.
> > It sounds like you built the source some how.  What is the exact command
> > you used to compile your kernel with?
> make-kpkg clean
> make menuconfig
> make-kpkg kernel_image 
> --append-to-version=r50p --initrd binary
> Are there any indirect dependencies for building a kernel, is e.g. a
> libc6-upgrade required for Kernels larger 2.6.10 [the last version I
> could built normally]? 

I don't think so (I used 2.3.5-1ubuntu7 from breezy).

Specifying "binary" as a target for make-kpkg gives you 4 .deb packages 
(kernel-image, kernel-source, kernel-headers and kernel-doc). Maybe that 
explains the 100 MB.

If you just want to compile and package the image (you already have the 
source installed, plus docs and headers are included in source), run 
'make-kpkg --append-to-version foo kernel_image'.

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