Eclipse and pydev
Tim Leslie
tim.leslie at
Mon Jun 27 07:59:08 UTC 2005
On 6/27/05, Ante Karamatić <ivoks at> wrote:
> On Mon, 2005-06-27 at 13:00 +1000, Tim Leslie wrote:
> > So, the current state is that eclipse won't start unless I nuke my
> > .eclipse/ and ~/workspace. Has anyone had this problem? Anyone had
> > success getting pydev and eclipse to play nice under ubuntu? Any other
> > info I can give which will help? I've googled around a bit can't find
> > anything which matches my problem.
> Same problems. PyDev isn't the guilty one. Eclipse is the problem. If
> you don't install anything and start eclipse it will create inital
> setup. When you start it second time, without installing a thing, it
> will crash in the same way.
I'm not sure why but that is somewhat comforting. I think possibly
because it means that it will be affecting more people so there might
be more noise made to fix it. I'll file a bug against it tonight if
there's not already one open.
Tim Leslie
> --
> Ante Karamatic|--|ivoks(@)|--|PGP: D3BDA225
>|--|ICQ: 64631782
> May, 15. <herve> we're fixing the universe, it's not an easy duty!
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