Use Ubuntu on a laptop

Jack Jackson jackson.linux at
Fri Jun 24 11:14:15 UTC 2005

If its Centrino, you're probably going to find that most if not all prts 
work out of the box. When I shopped for my notebook, I took a live 
Ubuntu cd to the store and popped it into any model I was interested in. 
It's a good test - if it works with the live cd it'll probably work on 
the full install.

You can check and for specific information.

Good luck!

Sabine Cretella wrote:
> Hi, I just found out about Ubuntu and it seems to be the solution I 
> searched for.
> Now I am working maily on a laptop. Does anyone have experiences with 
> Intel centrino technology?
> I am working with a
> Intel Pentium M 1,73 GHz
> 1,00 GB Ram
> NIVIDA GeForce Go 6600
> what other indications are needed?
> Or should I just try the live-CD and see if I can work on my projects 
> this way?
> How can I really test out if everything would work well before 
> definitely installing the OS?
> The thing is I use my laptop for work - so I cannot afford to have real 
> difficulties to sort out ...
> Thank you!!!
> Best wishes,
> Sabine
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