Kernel upgrade questions....

Tony Arnold tony.arnold at
Thu Jun 23 17:51:55 UTC 2005


On Thu, 2005-06-23 at 11:11 -0500, Charles Malespin wrote:

> So I installed the 2.6.10 686 kernel package, but at the grub menu it
> gave me two options.... and they were both the same!  It didnt say which
> one was the 386 and which one was the 686.  Is there some way to change
> the names in the grub menu?

That's odd. My grub menu gives me a number of options that typically

	Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.10-5-686
	Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.10-5-386

and other options with '(recovery mode)' appended.

You can change this by editing (with root privs) the
file /boot/grub/menu.lst, but this should get updated when you install
the new kernel.

Tony Arnold, IT Security Coordinator, University of Manchester,
IT Services Division, Kilburn Building, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL.
T: +44 (0)161 275 6093, F: +44 (0)870 136 1004, M: +44 (0)773 330 0039
E: tony.arnold at, H:

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