laptop - any suggestions for a friend of mine?

Magnus Therning magnus at
Wed Jun 22 07:10:24 UTC 2005

On Wed, Jun 22, 2005 at 12:02:06AM +0200, hagen van rissenbeck wrote:
>Hi list,
>yesterday I spoke with a friend about laptops and linux and during that
>conversation, he asked me for a proposal what laptop he should buy.
>He would like to use it for general operations like surfing, contact
>management and office work.
>I, myself,  made good experiences with an Acer travelmate 220 but I
>have no idea how acer laptops are working today under linux.
>He likes samsung laptops and wants to limit his purchase to roundabout
>1000 $/€.
>Would Acer still be a good choice?
>What about Samsung models?
>Do you have any good experiences with other laptops under linux,
>especially the collabaration with ubuntu?
>What's your advice?

I'm using a Toshiba m35x-s149. Everything works fine but the suspend
(hibernate works though there is a small problem with the modem on


Magnus Therning                    (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)
magnus at

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