Live CD SLOooooowww

Tab Gilbert tabbox at
Wed Jun 22 02:28:05 UTC 2005

Just found this via digg.  May be of interest concerning this topic.

This article will provide an overview of the boot speeds of nine
popular LiveCDs in several different configurations.

LiveCD  	Desktop  	 Time (min:sec)
SLAX 5.0.5 	Fluxbox 	0:58
SLAX 5.0.5 	KDE 	1:29
Damn Small Linux 1.0.1 	Fluxbox 	x
Damn Small Linux 1.2 	Fluxbox 	x
PCLinuxOS p81A 	KDE 	2:22
Ubuntu 5.04 	Gnome 	3:41
Knoppix 3.8.1 	KDE 	2:08
Knoppix 3.9 	KDE 	2:07
Kanotix 2005-02 	KDE 	2:16
Kanotix 2005-03 	KDE 	1:54
SimplyMEPIS 3.3 	KDE 	4:10
Gentoo 2005.0 	BASH 	1:07
GoblinX 1.1 	KDE 	1:48

SLAX was the quickest booting in these tests, into both Fluxbox and
KDE. All the KDE and Gnome LiveCDs that could not boot on that laptop
had no problems with a full gig of ram to work with. Ubuntu and
SimplyMEPIS stood out by taking the longest to boot. Both took a full
minute over the next slowest, and over two minutes longer than booting
SLAX into KDE.

This test is far from scientific and is mainly for fun.

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