Reporting Breezy problems?

paul marwick paulm at
Tue Jun 21 22:01:20 UTC 2005

I've just installed Breezy, using the daily build from 20th June, then
updated over the network. I've hit quite a few problems (not exactly
unexpected in an early beta...). Anyhow, I've not managed to find
mention of any of the problems I've seen in Bugzilla and I'm just
wondering if there is some other method of reporting bugs in Breezy?

A quick summary of the problems I've got:

Sound is _very_ distorted (wasn't in the Colony 1 CD install).

XKB rules seem to be broken - I've had to tell the system to use the X
rules (UK layout) several times

I'm getting a warning just after hotplug starts:

Warning: Interface is 'eth0' in line 2 can't be reliably mapped

Evolution crashes and burns every time I try to add an email account to

Thunderbird seg faults every time I try to start it.

Partitions manually added to fstab appear on the desktop when mounted,
but if I unmount them using the desktop icon, I get complaints about
being unable to eject the media (even so, the partition will unmount).
In a couple of instances, partitions refuse to unmount and have to be
unmounted from a terminal with -l.

My camera doesn't mount at all, even though it is being seen by the
system. Checking the logs gets me this:

PROGRAM execution of '/etc/udev/scripts/ sda' failed

If I configure hdparm.conf, I get intermittent DMA errors reported from
hda (never seen that before with any distro...).

The Gnome help icon produces Yelp, but no contents are listed.

I don't want to report these as bugs if there is some mechanism other
than Bugzilla being used for Breezy...

Also, a more general question. I see that the LTmodem drivers are
included in the most recent kernel restricted modules. Is there any
guidence as to how to install these and create the necessary /dev


paulm at
Marwick Computer Services - Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire, UK
OS/2, LAN and general Computer Consultants

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