Smart Package Manager on Ubuntu

Paul M. Bucalo ubuntuser at
Tue Jun 21 11:22:14 UTC 2005

On Tue, 2005-06-21 at 06:58 -0400, Matthew S-H wrote:
> On Jun 21, 2005, at 6:44 AM, Paul M. Bucalo wrote:
> > I would like some feedback from anyone currently using Smart Package
> > Manager on Ubunutu 5.04. I'm hesitant to use it in my system without
> > some positive experiences from those already using it in Ubuntu.
> It does the same thing as an apt-get upgrade or synaptic update-all  
> would do.
> It's just another frontend.

Actually, Matt, it's not *another* frontend. It's not even *a* frontend
to apt-get. It's a standalone that not only does what apt-get does, but
is designed to be smarter about it. It's still in early development, but
it is progressing nicely. I used it on Sarge, FC 3 and WBEL 3.0, and
found it did a better job of dependency handling than apt-get/synaptic.
However, it still had the occasional hiccup. Those few hiccups (and they
were very few for me) may have been resolved by now. I don't know. I'm
wary of hosing a main system that is running something still pretty new
to me. 

If I don't get any experiences here, I may have to setup a spare box
with Ubutnu Hoary and try it out. If I do, I'll post the results here
for those interested in a potentially "smarter" way to update/upgrade
their system.


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